

PLEASE NOTE: Due to high demand, our allotment waiting list is full. Therefore, we are not taking on any new applications until further notice.

The Council manages two allotment sites in the Parish, which are located behind Cromac Terrace (Whalley Road near the Crown pub) and off Livingstone Road.

The rent for an allotment plot is charged per square metre or set as a standard charge, whichever is the great amount dependent upon plot size.

Prices for 2023 are 26p (per square metre) or £60.00, whichever works out at the greater amount. Those living outside the parish are charged at 30p (msq) or £75-Greater.

Please note a £150 refundable deposit and signing of an annual tenancy agreement to obey the rules and regulations must be conducted before any plot is rented out. You must also arrange for your own Public Liability and Third Party Insurance. 6 months notice in writing must also be given if you intend on vacating the plot.

We have a dedicated allotment officer (Parish Councillor Helen Hummerston) who can be contacted at

The Livingstone Road allotment site also has an allotment representative to the Council.

The APC allotment rules from January 2023 can be found by accessing the following link:- #Allotment - Rules (01 Jan 2023)


Altham Allotment Map